Copyright (c) Noritada Matsuda, all rights reserved.
Legislative process
Politics of tax policy
Contemporary Japanese politics
Governance and citizen participation
Citizen participation and citizenship education
Citizenship education and higher education
Governance and policy experts
Philosophy of science of political theories and policy process theories
The politics of tax reform: Tax reforms in the United States and Japan
Rational choice and cultural approaches: Compatible or incompatible?
Institutions, policy outcomes, and policy contexts: Divided government and its policy consequences
(Written in Japanese)
Shakai kagaku notameno keiryo bunseki nyumon (Quantitative analysis in social sciences: An introduction)
Co-edited with K. Taketa
Kyoto: Minerva Publishing
(Written in Japanese)
Gendai Nihon no seiji: Seijikatei no riron to jissai (Modern Japanese politics: Theory and practices of political process)
Co-edited with H. Okada
Kyoto: Minerva Publishing
(Written in Japanese)
Chiiki to senkyo (Areas and elections)
In M. Iwasaki (ed.), Senkyo to minshushugi (Elections and democracy)
Tokyo: Yoshida Shoten
(Written in Japanese)
Ainori no kozu to jittai: Fukuoka-ken chizi-sen (Structure and reality of a balanced ticket: 2011 Fukuoka gubernatorial election)
In H. Shiratori (ed.), Toitsu chiho senkyo no seijigaku (The politics of nationwide local elections)
Kyoto: Minerva Publishing
(Written in Japanese)
Seisaku kenkyu to keiryo bunseki (Policy studies and quantitative analyses)
In N. Matsuda and K. Taketa (eds.), Shakai kagaku notameno keiryo bunseki nyumon (Quantitative analysis in social sciences: An introduction)
Kyoto: Minerva Pubishing
(Written in Japasese)
Risachi purosesu (Research process)
In N. Matsuda and K. Taketa (eds.), Shakai kagaku notameno keiryo bunseki nyumon (Quantitative analysis in social sciences: An introduction)
Kyoto: Minerva Pubishing
(Written in Japasese)
Keiryo bunseki to rironteki kosatsu (Quantitative analyses and theoretical analyses)
In N. Matsuda and K. Taketa (eds.), Shakai kagaku notameno keiryo bunseki nyumon (Quantitative analysis in social sciences: An introduction)
Kyoto: Minerva Pubishing
(Written in Japasese)
Toulmin no giron no giho: Toulmin Moderu (Toulmin Model: The uses of argument)
In M. Iwasaki (ed.), Seisaku katei no riron bunseki (Theoretical Analyses on the Policy Process)
Tokyo: Sanwa
(Written in Japanese)
Kingdon no Seisaku no Mado Moderu (Kingdon: Policy Window Model)
In M. Iwasaki (ed.), Seisaku katei no riron bunseki (Theoretical Analyses on the Policy Process)
Tokyo: Sanwa
(Written in Japanese)
Ninin-ku ha 'seme' no senkyoku ka, 'mamori' no senkyokuka: Fukuoka-ken senkyoku ('Aggressive' vs. 'defensive' in a 2-seat district: Fukuoka district)
In H. Shiratori (ed.), Shusan nejire senkyo no seijigaku (Politics of the divided Diet and the 2010 election)
Kyoto: Minerva Publishing
(Written in Japanese)
Gabanansu no shutai toshiteno shimin (Citizens as actors in governance)
In M. Iwasaki (ed.), Gabanansu-ron no genzai (What governance studies are)
Tokyo: Keiso Shobo
(Written in Japanese)
Seisaku bunseki to seisaku kettei (Policy analysis and policy making)
In H. Nakamichi (ed.), Seisaku kenkyu (Policy studies)
Tokyo: Fukumura Shuppan
(Written in Japanese)
Seisaku to Shimin (Policy and citizens)
In H. Nakamichi (ed.), Seiskau kenkyu (Policy studies)
Tokyo: Fukumura Shuppan
(Written in Japanese)
Giron no shikata (How to debate)
In H. Nakamichi (ed.), Seisaku kenkyu (Policy studies)
Tokyo: Fukumura Shuppan
(Written in Japanese)
Seiken-kotai heno kitai to chucho: Fukuoka 10-ku (Hopes and anxiety for the change of government: Fukuoka No.10 district)
In H. Shiratori (ed.), Seiken-kotai senkyo no seijigaku (Politics of the change of government and the general election)
Kyoto: Minerva Publishing
(Written in Japanese)
Kokkai (The Diet)
In H. Okada and N. Matsuda (eds.), Gendai Nihon no seiji: Seijikatei no riron to jissai (Modern Japanese politics: Theory and practices of political process)
Kyoto: Minerva Publishing
(Written in Japanese)
Kongo no Nihon seiji heno Shikaku (Perspectives on Japanese politics)
In H. Okada and N. Matsuda (eds.), Gendai Nihon no seiji: Seijikatei no riron to jissai (Modern Japanese politics: Theory and practices of political process)
Kyoto: Minerva Publishing
(Written in Japanese)
Seisaku no gakumon womeguru mosaku (Search for a way to study public policy)
In H. Nakamichi (ed.), Seisakukagaku no chosen (Challenges of policy sciences)
Tokyo: Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha
(Written in Japanese)
Shimin-sanka no kanosei to gabanansu (Citizen participation and governance)
In H. Yamamoto (ed.), Rokaru-gabamento to rokaru-gabanansu (Local government and local governance)
Tokyo: Hosei University Press
(Written in Japanese)
Diet, the
In William A. Darity, Jr. (ed.), International encyclopedia of the social sciences, 2nd. ed.
Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA
Goriteki-sentaku-ron, gemu-riron (Rational choice theory and game theory)
In K. Agata and H. Fujii (eds.), Koreku seisaku kenkyu (Kolleg: Policy studies)
Tokyo: Seibundo
(Written in Japanese)
Zaisei kozo kaikaku niokeru 'zaisei akaji' mondai no ichizuke (How to consider the 'fiscal deficits' problem in the public financial reform)
In H. Kataoka (ed.), Kuni-betsu gyosei kaikaku jijo (Country-by-country situations of public administration reforms)
Tokyo: Waseda Daigaku Shuppanbu
(Written in Japanese)
Can universities supply citizenship education? A theoretical insight
Japanese Political Science Review 2: 89-110
Citizenship education as an individual choice: Can education for citizen participation work?
Publicy Administration Review Quarterly 141: 17-30
(Written in Japanese)
Higher education for "citizens": Universities in citizenship education
Journal of Law and Political Science (University of Kitakyushu) 40(4): 453-489
(Written in Japanese)
Citizens in the era of governance: Citizen participation and active citizenship
Interdisciplinary Information Sciences 15(2): 231-242
Citizen participation from a knowledge-utilization perspective: What are policy analysts expected to do?
Journal of Law and Political Science (University of Kitakyushu) 36(1-2): 91-161
(Written in Japanese)
Policy information market: Policy analysts' strategies for knowledge utilization
Interdisciplinary Information Sciences 14(2): 155-165
The politics of tax policy in Japan: Has it changed, and will it change?
Journal of Public Policy Studies 7: 156-168
(Written in Japanese)
Citizens' governability and policy analysts' roles in the policy process: A theoretical examination
Interdisciplinary Information Sciences 13(1): 117-127
Policy analysts in the policy process: Knowledge utilization and governance
Annals of the Japanese Society for Public Administration 41: 193-204
(Written in Japanese)
Issue salience and policy change: A game-theoretical perspective
Annuals of the Japanese Political Science Association 2005-II: 105-126
(Written in Japanese)
Could policy knowledge be utilized in the policymaking process? Knowledge utilization in the 1988 Tax Reform in Japan
Journal of Law and Political Science (University of Kitakyushu) 33(1): 76-102
The advocacy coalition framework as an argument: Its argument structure
Journal of Law and Political Science (University of Kitakyushu) 32(4): 75-126
Reasoning in policy argument: Abduction and the structural model of policy argument
Waseda Study of Politics and Public Law 75: 129-144
(Written in Japanese)
The worldwide tax reforms since the 1980s: The study of the tax reforms in political science
Waseda Study of Politics and Public Law 74: 161-186
(Written in Japanese)
Exceptionalism in politial science: Japanese politics, U.S. politics, and supposed international norms
Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies, Discussion Paper 4
The administrative reform for the fiscal reform: Towards improving the public investment and the tax sysytem
Waseda Study of Politics and Public Law 57: 179-207
(Written in Japanese)
The learning process in making the consumption tax law: The cause of the successful introduction of the consumption tax (1)
Waseda Study of Politics and Public Law 54: 99-124
(Written in Japanese)
Policy analysis and policy formulation: A policy analyst in the policy process
Ph.D. dissertation submitted to the Graduate School of Political Science, Waseda University, Japan
(Written in Japanese)
The politics of tac reform: Tax reforms in the United States and Japan
Ph.D. dissertation proposal submitted to the Department of Political Science, the University of Pittsburgh
Psychologial influence on policymaking: Analysis on the process of making of the consumption tax bill
M.A. dissertation submitted to the Graduate School of Political Science, Waseda University, Japan
(Written in Japanese)
Outlook of the academia: Japanese politics and political process
Annuals of Japanese Political Science Association 2013-II: 277-280
(Written in Japanese)
Book Review: Gendai Nihon no seisaku taikei (Policy Systems in Contemporary Japan, by J. Iio, Chikuma Shobo, Written in Japanese)
Public Administration Review Quarterly 144: 70-73
(Written in Japanese)
Book Review: Foundations of Policy Studies (by T. Akiyoshi, S. Ito and T. Kitayama, Minerva Publishing, 2011, Written in Japanese)
Journal of Public Policy Studies 11: 136-137
(Written in Japanese)
A Library is a Time Machine: Enjoy experiencing the history
AGULI: Aoyama Gakuin University Library Information 91: 7
(Written in Japanese)
Survey Report: How to Assess the Performance of the Management Organization for Postal Savings and Postal Life Insurance
Edited by Institute of Administrative Management (Tokyo, Japan)
(Written in Japanese)
Book Review: The Economic Analysis of Public Choice (by Hideaki Konishi, University of Tokyo Press, 2009, Written in Japanese)
Public Administration Review Quarterly 127: 64-67
(Written in Japanese)
Chair in Session A-5 "Seiji no daitoryosei-ka ha tsuduiteirunoka (Reconsidering the presidentialization of politics)"
2014 Meeting of Japanese Political Science Association at Waseda University, Japan
October 11, 2014
(In Japanese)
Electoral reform and democracy: What citizen competence is assumed in the electoral reform debate in Japan?"
The 23rd International Political Science Association World Congress in Montreal, Quebec
July 22, 2014
Discussant in Researcher Sessin A
2013 Meeting of Japan Area Studies Association at Okinawa International University, Japan
November 2, 2013
(In Japanese)
Chair in Session "Kyoiku to Koeki (Education and Public Interest)"
2013 Meeting of Japan Society for Public Interest and Common Goods Studies at Komazawa Women's University, Japan
September 21, 2013
(In Japanese)
Discussant in Session "Seiken Dakkan to Chiho no Seijigaku (The Politics of Regaining of the Power in Terms of Local Areas)"
2013 Meeting of Japanese Political Science Association at
Hokkai Gakuen University, Japan
September 16, 2013
(In Japanese)
Discussant in Session "Kokyo-seisaku to Seito, Atsuryoku-dantai (Public Policy, and Parties and Pressure Groups)"
2013 Meeting of Japan Area Studes Association at Hosei University, Tokyo
June 8, 2013
(In Japanese)
Discussant in Session "Minshu-to seiken-ka no seito soshiki, seisaku katei, giin kodo (Party Organizations, Policy Processes, Legislative Behaviors in the DPJ Government)"
2013 Meeting of the Japanese Association of Electoral Studies at Kyoto University, Kyoto
May 19, 2013
(In Japanese)
Discussant in Session "Touitsu-Chiho Senkyo womeguru Soten (Issues in the Nationwide Local Elections)"
2012 Meeting of Japan Area Studies Association at Sapporo University, Japan
November 10, 2012
(In Japanese)
Chair in Session "Chiho Seiji, Chiiki Seiji Kenkyu no Saizensen (Frontiers of Area Studies)"
2012 Meeting of Japan Area Studies Association at Sapporo University, Japan
November 10, 2012
(In Japanese)
Structure and reality of 'Ainori'(electoral support from multiple political parties): Fukuoka gubernational election in 2011
2012 Meeting of Japanese Political Science Association at Kyushu University, Japan
October 6, 2012
(In Japanese)
Discussant in Session "Gyosei Kenkyu no Hohoron (Methodolgies in Public Administration Studies)"
2012 Meeting of The Japanese Society for Public Administration at Keio University, Japan
May 19, 2012
(In Japanese)
Peculiarity vs. universality in strategies for a 2-seat district: Fukuoka District in the 2010 Election of the House of Councillors
2011 Meeting of Japan Area Studies Association at Hosei University, Japan
Novermber 20. 2011
(In Japanese)
Citizen Participation and Citizenship Education: Can Any Individual Be a "Citizen"?
2011 Meeting of Japanese Political Science Association at Okayama University, Japan
October 9, 2011
(In Japanese)
Chair and Discussant in Young Researchers Session (2)
2011 Meeting of Japan Akademy of Koeki (Public Interests) Studies at Yamanashi Gakuin University, Japan
October 1, 2011
(In Japanese)
Policy Studies: Empirical vs. Theoretical
"Special Seminar in Public Administration" (Professor Koichiro Agata) at Graduate School of Political Science, Waseda Universitu, Japan
July 21, 2011
(In Japanese)
Election Outcomes and Citizens' Needs: Fukuoka District in the 2010 Election of the House of Councillors
2011 Meeting of Public Policy Studies Association at Hokkai-Gakuen University, Japan
June 19. 2011
(In Japanese)
Discussant in Session "Joho-Tsushin Gujutsu to Kokyoseisaku (ICT and Public Policy)"
2011 Meeting of Public Policy Studies Association at Hokkai-Gakuen University, Japan
June 18, 2011
(In Japanese)
Discussant in Session "Rijonarizumu to Kokyoseisaku (Regionalism and Public Policy)"
2010 Meeting of Public Policy Studies Association at Shizuoka University of Art and Culture, Japan
June 5, 2010
(In Japanese)
Discussant in Session D "Seiken-Kotai to Chiho niokeru Senkyo (Change of Government and Elections at Local Levels)"
2010 Meeting of Japanese Association of Electoral Studies at Meiji University, Japan
May 15, 2010
(In Japanese)
Discussant in Session A5 "Minshushugi to Gabanansu (Democracy and Governance)"
2009 Meeting of Japanese Political Science Association at Nihon University, Japan
October 10, 2009
(In Japanese)
Chair in Session 3 "On Public Administration and Public Policy"
2009 Meeting of the Japan Academy of Koeki (Public Interest) Studies at Tohoku University of Community Service and Science, Japan
September 12, 2009
(In Japanese)
Citizens as Actors in Governance: Concerns and Prospects
Project "Kokka to Shijo womeguru Gabanansu no Kenkyu (Research into Governance in the State and Market" at Political Science and Economics Institute, College of Law, Nihon University, Japan
July 25, 2009
(In Japanese)
Chair in the session "Analysis on Policy and Political Process"
2008 Meeting of Public Policy Studies Association at the University of Kitakyushu, Japan
June 14, 2008
(Both in English and Japanese)
Policy sciences or policy management?
Symposium "Policy Sciences or Policy Management? Reexamination of the Public Policies in Kitakyushu" at the University of Kitakyushu, Japan
October 28, 2006
(In Japanese)
Argument structure of a policy process theory
Kansai Kokyo Seisaku Kenkyu-kai (Kansai Public Policy Seminar) at Kyoto University, Japan
September 2, 2006
(In Japanese)
Chair and dicussant in the session "Public Policy and Public Interest"
2006 Meeting of the Japan Academy of Koeki (Public Interest) Studies at Tohoku University, Japan
July 16, 2006
(Both in English and Japanese)
Citizens' governability and policy analysts' roles in the policy process
Meeting of the Japan Academy of Koeki (Public Interest) Studies at Tohoku University, Japan
July 15, 2006
Citizens' governability and policy analysts' roles in the policy process: A theoretical examination
The 20th International Political Science Association World Congress in Fukuoka, Japan
July 9, 2006
Comparing electoral systems: Suggestions for the revitalization of Kitakyushu
2006 Spring
Extention Course in the University of Kitakyushu, "Revitalization of Kitakyushu," at the University of Kitakyushu, Japan
June 24, 2006
(In Japanese)
The politics of tax policy in Japan: Has it changed? Will it change?
2006 Meeting of Japanese Society for Public Administration at Daito Bunka University, Japan
May 13, 2006
(In Japanese)
Issue salience and policy change: A game-theoretical perspective
Kokyo Seisaku Gabanansu Kenkyu-kai (Public Policy and Governance Seminar) at Meiji University, Japan
January 14, 2006
(In Japanese)
Discussant on the presentation made by Mr. Ken'ichi Tamura
2005 Meeting of Waseda Political Science Association at Waseda University, Japan
October 22, 2005
(In Japanese)
A game-theoreical analytical framework of policy change: The usefulness of a game-theoretical perspective for political analyses
2005 Meeting of Japanese Political Science Association at Meiji University, Japan
October 2, 2005
(In Japanese)
Gap between policy knowledge and policy outcomes: Another lesson of the 1988 Tax Reform in Japan
Kokyo Seisaku Gabanansu Kenkyu-kai (Public Policy and Governance Seminar) at Hosei University, Japan
March 2005.
(In Japanese)
Introduction to game theory
Professor Shin Dong-Ae's graduate class (Special Seminar in Political Science), the University of Kitakyushu, Japan
January 2005
(In Japanese)
The utilization of policy knowledge in a policy process: Suggestions for the roles of policy analysts and the theories of governance
Kokyo Seisaku Gabanansu Kenkyu-kai (Public Policy and Governance Seminar) at Hosei University, Japan
July 2004
(In Japanese)
Tax reform game: Interaction under uncertainty
Professor Koichiro Agata's graduate seminar (Public Administration Research Seminar), Waseda University, Japan
January 2003
(In Japanese)
The politics of taxation
Professor Wenfang Tang's undergraduate class (Comparative Politics), University of Pittsburgh
November 2001
Introduction to Japanese Politics
Professor Wenfang Tang's
undergraduate class (Comparative Politics), University of Pittsburgh
November 2001